Jun 6, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Burpees and Breakfast

4 min AMRAP

Then we eat breakfast:)
Please wear a CrossFit shirt tomorrow if you have one, it can be the brain and crossbones or any CrossFit shirt
I'm taking care of the bacon, it's up to you to bring the rest.  Please comment on the blog, to let everyone know what you're going to bring.  We'll meet at the front desk and head up to Ms. Doolittle's room at 7:00

Jun 4, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

This is very last minute, but I just found out that an event I'm going to on Saturday allows CrossFit Kids to participate.  We are doing a fundraiser called CrossFit for Hope and all of the proceeds are going to St. Judes' a hospital that treats children suffering from cancer.  I'm attaching the link to the event happening in DC on this Saturday.  I will be working out at the 9AM event.  If you would like to participate, get your parents to sign you up for the 10:15 AM heat, and I will stay after my workout to coach you.  The workout will be as follows (this is not the workout for Tuesday)
Three rounds of:
Power snatch
Box jump
Chest to bar Pull-ups
1 minute at each station with a 1 minute rest between rounds. Scaling options will be provided to include everything from: -Prescribed weight to PVC pipe. -Box jump heights available from 3"-24". -Bands for pullups and boxes for jumping pullups.
Mid-Atlantic CrossFit for Hope
CrossFit for Hope

You have to sign up at both sites.  The cost for the Mid-Atlantic Event is $12
This is not mandatory, its something you can do extra for fun.  Please wear your Brain and Crossbones shirt and e-mail me if you decide to attend.

1 round of Hope (one minute of each)
Power Snatch
Box Jump
Chest-to-bar Pull ups (you can substitute jumping pull ups or push ups)

Jun 1, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Next week will be the last week of morning CrossFit for the school year.  Think of something that we can do on Thursday to celebrate.  We'll go with the best idea.

On to the WOD
CrossFit Games Open WOD 12.1
7 minute AMRAP

Post your number to the blog.